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2021年7月30日『―流木― いのちのかたち展』のお知らせ




2020年6月10日パラダイス・ロスト 公開中!       

We are here in A Small Peaceful Country.
Everyone lives happily.
Enjoying life, feeling easy.
There are lots of farmers, fishermen and craftsmen,
also some teachers, scholars, scientists, and doctors. 
(The doctors have little work)
There are no soldiers, no policemen, no politicians.
A long time ago, there were some, but now there's no job for them any more.
The king holds seasonal events.
People respect him because he is honourable.
There are some people who indulge themselves painting pictures, carving wood,  
beating drums, playing flutes, singing and dancing all day long. 
People don't mind.